When you first start your training, the grass is green, and your body thinks it’s a wonderful time to be alive and you just doing your crunches and curls for the girls will improve your body compensation. Our body is a wonderful machine, however, over time it is adapting to the training stimulus and requires a progressive overload and a change in training stimulus (training phase). That’s why each few weeks we change your training phase to ensure you keep improving your fitness goals and get the most out of your training.
Main focus: Increase muscular endurance and stability while developing optimal neuromuscular efficiency. This phase is proprioceptively – based training in unstable yet controllable environment preparing your body for the demands of higher levels of training that follow. This training phase is crucial for both beginners or advance people to either use to progress or regress back through after more increased loading phases to ensure you maintain a high degree of core and joint stability. In addition, it will allow the body to rest from more high-volume phases of training meaning longer lasting results.
Primary adaptations: Stabilization endurance, neuromuscular efficiency
Decrease Bodyfat Percentage
Increased metabolic rate (metabolism)
Increased neuromuscular control (coordination)
Increased blood lipid serum profile
Increased motor unit recruitment
Increased muscle cross-sectional area
Increased motor unit recruitment
Increased neuromuscular control (coordination)
Our Strength phase focuses on the main adaptation of strength, which includes strength endurance, hypertrophy, and maximal strength. It is designed to maintain stability while increasing the amount of stress placed on the body. This period of training is a necessary progression from stabilization for anyone who desires to increase caloric expenditure (how many calories you burn) or muscle density or muscle strength and bone mineral density.
Increased metabolic rate (metabolism) – naturally burning more calories throughout the day
Decrease Bodyfat Percentage
Increased strength
Increased blood lipid serum profile
Increased motor unit recruitment
The Anaerobic conditioning phase focuses on both increasing volume then straight into high force and velocity to maximise training effectiveness. This is accomplished by combining a strength exercise followed by an exercise with explosive speed and holding that intensity for a sustained period of time.
Decreased bodyfat percentage
Increased metabolic rate (metabolism) – naturally burning more calories throughout the day
Increased rate of force production
Increased motor unit recruitment
Increased motor unit synchronization
Increased power